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Stephen Rorke, Ph.D.

Dr. Rorke has experience as a Professor of Physics for Loyola College. He holds undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees, and is currently pursuing post-doctorate research in the cognitive sciences. Dr. Rorke has lectured on developmental psychology, cognition, theoretical and applied physics. He has also lectured on EVP as a subset of ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication) with potential implications for the theoretical physics community regarding the existence of multiple dimensions beyond the standard model. He is currently instructing Masters of Science courses at the university level.

"The role of science is to investigate the unexplained, not explain the uninvestigated." Dr. Stephen Rorke






The material on this website (except where otherwise indicated) has been prepared by J. Hale.
All original content is copyright protected and all publication rights are reserved. Effective September 1, 2006, and beyond.