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The Spiricom Quiz With Answers:





Prepared by J. Hale for gobeyondnow.com





George Meek retired from a successful business career and used funds from his personal savings and the ongoing royalty
      income from several industrial patents to finance construction of the Spiricom.




Jim McDonnell, founder of McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Corporation, financed Spiricom.
Meek then “leased it back from McDonnell for $1 a year". (See pages 15-16, Ghost of 29 Mcs.)
In an unrelated incident, Jim McDonnell died in 1980, the same year that Spiricom contact with Dr. Mueller was claimed.



2)     William (Bill) O’Neil, part psychic, part electronics wizard, designed and built the Spiricom apparatus.




The various Spiricom designs had been inspired through a series of trance medium sessions in which contact with the late Dr. W.F.G. Swann had allegedly been made. This was several years before O’Neil joined the project. 
Working under advisement of the discarnate Dr. Swann, Hans Heckmann  (an electronics technician who had been present during some of the early séance sessions in Philadelphia), and Will Cerney (owner of a business called Marine Electronics in
were frequently mentioned in the OL as being the two men primarily involved in constructing the Spiricom.  (See OL)



Working from his home in rural Pennsylvania, Bill O’Neil made contact with a Dr. George J. Mueller
      who conveyed a great deal of personal information about himself via the Spiricom.



O’Neil’s initial “contacts” with Dr. Mueller were reportedly made through his  innate psychic abilities of "clairaudience" and "clairvoyance". All of the obscure personal data allegedly communicated by Mueller was said to have come to O’Neil in psychic visions, not over the Spiricom device.  (See pages 83-87, Ghost of 29 Mcs.)



Dr. Mueller provided unlisted phone numbers for certain people in “high level positions” with whom he had supposedly been
      associated in his former life. George Meek subsequently called the phone numbers and made contact with those people who
      confirmed that Mueller was who he said he was.



The various sources state that “three” / “several” unlisted phone numbers had been provided by Mueller but,
in these same books, Meek only acknowledges calling two of them.
The numbers did connect Meek with two somewhat “high level individuals” but,
neither one of those men claimed to remember anything at all about a George J. Mueller.  (See page 128, Ghost of 29 Mcs.)




5)     Bill O’Neil described Dr. Mueller as having blue eyes and this detail was later verified by Mueller’s widow.



O’Neil did describe Mueller as having blue eyes (See page 84, Ghost of 29 Mcs) but,
later we are told that his widow "confirmed" that Mueller’s eyes were brown.   (See page 100, Ghost of 29 Mcs).



6)     O’Neil’s first Spiricom contact with the entity known as “Doc Nick” occurred on:

       a) Septemeber 17, 1977
       b) October 17, 1977
       c) October 27, 1977



All three of these dates are given at different places in the OL as being the date of first contact with Doc Nick.



7)  The discrepancies mentioned in questions 5 and 6, along with other inconsistencies found throughout the Spiricom materials,
      could be dismissed as being minor and superficial details, but they do bring into question just how carefully either the
      participants (Meek and his associates) or the "official reporter" (John G. Fuller) were scrutinizing the facts of their story.





8)   a) Bill O’Neil had once sought psychiatric care for a mental breakdown that he associated with his psychic experiences.
       b) He continually questioned his own sanity, and he often wondered if the “ghosts” he was conversing with were real.
       c) At times he referred to himself as having split personalities.
       d) He was struggling to make ends meet financially, and the small monetary compensation he received from George Meek
           was his only steady source of income during the Spiricom years.
       e) Meek provided O’Neil with a car and Meek held the mortgage on O’Neil’s house -
            a house which O’Neil continued to live in even after it had been severely damaged by a suspicious fire.
        f) Bill O’Neil dabbled in both the arts and creative writing.
        g) O'Neil had once hosted a children’s TV show in Cincinnati, and he enjoyed entertaining children with his talent as a



Yes, even the ventriloquist part. All of the above are reported and described  within the body of the OL.



9) John Fuller and his wife Elizabeth were already quite experienced and practiced in various methods of after-death  
    communication prior to their visit from George Meek. 


TRUE:  All true as described in Elizabeth Fuller's 1978 book, My Search for the Ghost of Flight 401.

             The Fullers had attended séances, used Ouija boards, and Elizabeth Fuller was herself considered a talented psychic
             having had some "formal" training in that arena the referral of certain friends involved with the
             Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (a spiritualist group said to have been founded by Melvin Sutley, one of George
             Meek's close associates and also a member of the original Metascience group.



10) Many official documents, including an Orange County, CA Death Certificate, confirm that "George Jeffries Mueller" did exist.

FALSE:  "George Jeffries Mueller" as referred to by George Meek, his Metascience associates, et al., never existed.   



Answers and responses to questions 1-8 have been derived from information published in the Official Literature, specifically:

The Ghost of 29 Megacycles, by John G. Fuller and:

The Spiricom Technical Manual
After We Die What Then?
, and
Enjoy Your Own Funeral
,  by George W. Meek.

The answer to question # 9 was derived from:

My Search for the Ghost of Flight 401, by Elizabeth Fuller, 1978.

The answer to question # 10 was derived from this document:

(Click here.)


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The material on this website (except where otherwise indicated) has been prepared by J. Hale.
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Effective September 1, 2006 . . . and Beyond !